Contact ProOrganica Limited 3rd Floor20 Old BaileyLondonUnited KingdomEC4M 7AN StorageGranta UKMill LaneWhittlesfordCambridgeCB22 4XL [email protected] We are international Proorganica Ukraine Chemex Limited, LLCNaberezhno-Luhova Str. 12Kyiv 04071, Ukraine [email protected] Name Business Name E-mail Phone number Mobile Website Full Address Postcode How did you hear about us? —Please choose an option—RecommendationNOPE exhibitionBioFach exhibitionMedia advertisementGaftaFood and drink federationLinkedinFacebookTwitterOther What type of Business are you? —Please choose an option—Food ProcessingCommodity TraderMillerProduce WholesaleFeed SupplierDistributor GroceryRegional Distributor GroceryOnline Retail GroceryMultiple GroceryManufacturer GroceryManufacturer Animal ProductsManufacturer CostmeticsManufacture AlcoholBakeryFood serviceOther What products are you interested in? —Please choose an option—GrainsSeedsPulsesOilsOther What size orders are you interested in? —Please choose an option—Container direct (Ukraine-UK)Pallets direct (Ukraine - UK)Order collection (Blackburn warehouse)Pallets Delivery (UK address) What are your required certificates to trade? —Please choose an option—Iso 22000 HaccpBRC Who is your approved UK control body? —Please choose an option—Soil AssociationOrganic Food federationOrganic Farmers & GrowersBiodynamic association certificateIrish Organic Association (GB-ORG-07)Organic trust GLG (GB-ORG-09)Organic Welsh food certicate (GB-ORG-13)OF&G Scotland Ltd (GB-ORG-17)